“only in the spirit of love, sacrifice and great cost will we bring our breed to a state of genetic excellence”
Philipp Grünig
“Judge, scientific breeder and profound student of the Dobermann”
“only in the spirit of love, sacrifice and great cost will we bring our breed to a state of genetic excellence”
Philipp Grünig
“Judge, scientific breeder and profound student of the Dobermann”
Confirmation Ratings | Confirmation Titles
Confirmation Titles | |
ADA-Ch: | American Dobermann Association Champion |
ADP-Ch: | Associação Dobermann de Portugal Champion (Dobermann Club of Portugal Champion) |
AIAD-Ch: | Associazione Italiana Amatori Dobermann Champion (Italian Dobermann Association Champion) |
AIAD-Sg: | Associazione Italiana Amatori Dobermann Sieger (Italian Dobermann Association Sieger) |
Aust-Ch: | Australian Champion |
Balt-Ch: | Baltic Champion |
BIS: | Best in Show (awarded to the only dog left undefeated at the end of all judging on that day in an all-breed conformation show) |
BISS: | Best in Specialty Show (awarded to the only dog left undefeated at the end of all judging on that day in a Dobermann only conformation show) |
BDCB-Ch: | Belgische Dobermann Club Belge Kampioenen (Belgian Dobermann Club Champion) |
BdJgdSg: | BundesJugend Sieger (Youth Bundessieger) |
Bdsg: | Bundessieger (a prestigious title awarded to the winner of a Dobermann only Bundessieger Show in Germany. Only one Bundessieger Show is held each year) |
Bel-Ch: | Belgische Kampioenen (Belgian Champion - awarded to a dog that has submitted three certificates to the KMSH: two CAC certificates from two different judges and one working GHP or WGH title with CAC under two judges in trials in Belgium. The first and last CAC certificate must be obtained in a period greater than 12 months) |
Bel-Win: | Belgische Winner (Belgian Winner) |
BIM: | Best of opposite sex (the best dog that is of the opposite gender to the Best of Breed winner) |
BOB: | Best of Breed (dog selected by the judge as the best representative of a particular breed on that day) |
BOG: | Best of Group |
BOS: | Best of Show |
Bul-Ch: | Bulgarian Champion |
CAC: | Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat (the CAC is a national grading and it's up to the national kennel clubs to decide in which classes and to which dogs this certificate can be awarded. The CAC counts towards a national champion title) |
CACIB: | Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat International de Beauté de la FCI (awarded at selected International shows which have been approved by the FCI. The only dogs which can be taken into consideration are those which have been awarded "Excellent 1st" and have been assessed as being of superior quality) |
Ch: | Champion (a conformation title awarded showing that the dog is a champion representative of their breed. If preceded by other letters, they are indicative of the country or organisation, in which the championship was earned e.g. Dt-Ch = Deutscher Champion) |
Cro-Ch: | Croatian Champion |
DCE-Ch: | Dobermann Club de España Champion (Dobermann Club of Spain Champion) |
DCF-Ch: | Dobermann club de France Champion (Dobermann Club of France Champion) |
DCK-Ch: | Dobermann Club Kiev Champion (Dobermann Club Ukraine Champion) |
DCR-Ch: | Dobermann Club Romania Champion |
DDK-Ch: | Dansk Dobermann klub Champion (Denmark Dobermann Club Champion) |
DDR-Sg: | Deutsche Demokratische Republik Sieger (East German Sieger) |
DKCR-Ch: | Dobrman Klub Ceské Republiky Champion (Doberman Club Czech Republic Champion - to be awarded this title a dog must obtain three CAC certificates from two different judges and one CACIB certificate from an international show in a period of two show seasons. The dog must have IPO 1 or VPG 1) |
DKK-Ch: | Dansk Kennel klub Champion (Denmark Kennel Club Champion - awarded to a dog that has obtained at least three certificates from three different judges at Danish shows recognised by the Danish Kennel Club (DKK). In order to be awarded a certificate, a dobermann must be entered in working class and must have passed at least IPO 1, VPG 1, Basic police dog certificate or FH2 through a breed club recognised by the DKK) |
DKSR-Ch: | Doberman Klub Slovenská Republika Champion (Doberman Club Slovakia Republic Champion - awarded to a dog that has obtained two certificates from two different judges, one CACIB certificate from an international show and one certificate in utility class in a period greater than 365 days) |
DPCA-Ch: | Doberman Pinscher Club of America Champion |
DPCC-Ch: | Doberman Pinscher Club of Canada Champion |
Dt-Ch: | Deutscher Champion (German Champion - title awarded to a dog which has been nominated for five challenge certificates and at least three of these challenge certificates have to be achieved at International or National breed shows. Furthermore the five challenge certificates must have been awarded by at least three different breed judges) |
DV: | Dobermann-Verein e.V. (German Doberman Club - the DV is the Club of origin of the Dobermann and adopts the international breed standard for the Dobermann. It maintains the stud books and registrations for the Dobermann in Germany) |
DV-JgSg: | Dobermann-Verein Jugend Sieger (German Doberman Club Youth Sieger) |
DV-Sg: | Dobermann-Verein Sieger (German Dobermann Club Sieger - a prestigious title awarded to the winner of the Dobermann-Verein sieger show in Germany. Only one of these conformation shows is held each year) |
DVIN-Ch: | Dobermann Vrienden In Nederland Champion (Dobermann Association of Netherlands Champion) |
DVS-Ch: | Dobermann Verein Schweiz Champion (Dobermann Club Switzerland Champion) |
EDÜ-Ch: | Eesti Dobermanniühing Champion (Estonia Dobermann Club Champion) |
Est-Ch: | Estonian Champion |
Euro-Sg: | Europasieger (a dog which has won over all other entries at an all-breed Europe-wide conformation show. To be awarded this title a dog must obtain four FCI CACIB's or CAC's) |
FCI: | Fédération Cynologique Internationale (the F.C.I. is the World Canine Organisation. It includes 84 members and contract partners, with one member per country, that each issue their own pedigrees and train their own judges. The F.C.I. makes sure that the pedigrees and judges are mutually recognised by all the F.C.I. members) |
FCI-Weltsieger: | F.C.I. World Winner (winner of highest honours, beating all other entries at a World-wide all-breed conformation show provided that they have received the qualification "1st Excellent") |
Fin-Ch: | Finnish Champion |
FIN MVA: | Finnish Champion |
FINW: | Finnish National Winner |
Fr-Ch: | Champion de France de Beauté (French Champion) |
HDK-Sg: | Hungária Dobermann Klub Sieger (Hungary Dobermann Club Sieger - awarded to a dog that has obtained three certificates from two different judges, two CACIB certificates from international shows in a period greater than 366 days. The dog must be shown in utility class) |
Hol-Win: | Holland Winner |
Hun-Ch: | Hungarian Champion |
IDC: | International Dobermann Club (the I.D.C. is a voluntary association of Clubs for the Dobermann Breed with the aim of unifying the regulations. I.D.C. Member Countries undertake to recognise and implement in full the Breed Standard of the country of origin which is lodged with the FCI. The president of the Dobermann-Verein e.V. is also the president of the I.D.C.) |
IDC-JgSg: | IDC Jugendsieger (I.D.C. Youth Winner) |
IDC-Sg: | International Dobermann Club Sieger (a dog which has beaten all other entries at an International Dobermann Club conformation show) |
Int-Ch: | International Champion (awarded to a dog that has obtained four CACIB's under three different judges in three different countries and required to have a SchH, IPO or VPG title. There must be a period of at least 366 days between the first and the last CACIB) |
Ita-Ch: | Italian Champion (awarded to a dog that has obtained five certificates from four different judges, two CAC certificates from national shows, two CACIB certificates from international shows and one certificate from a special Dobermann show. The dog must be shown in utility class and must have PTAs and IPO or VPG titles with a minimum rating of "Good") |
Jgd: | Jungend (Youth - for dogs of nine and not exceeding eighteen months of age on the first day of the Show) |
Jgd-Sg: | Jugendsieger (Youth Sieger - the first place winner at a Sieger show aged between nine and eighteen months) |
Jugendsieger: | Youth Sieger (the first place winner at a Sieger show aged between twelve and eighteen months). |
KANS-MVA: | International Champion |
KCM Winner: | D.V.I.N. KampioensClubMatch Winner (Doberman Club of Netherlands Club Winner) |
LDK-Ch: | Latvijas Dobermanu klubs Champion (Latvia Doberman Club Champion) |
Ldsg: | Landessieger (a championship title awarded to the winner of a D.V. show held in one of the sixteen regions in Germany) |
Lux-Ch: | Luxemburg Champion (Luxembourg Champion - to be awarded this title a dog must obtain two CACL's from two different judges and one CACIB certificate from an international show. Class champion needs only one certificate) |
LTU-Ch: | Lithuanian Champion |
Mon-Ch: | Champion of Monaco |
MSDK-Ch: | Moravskoslezský Dobrman klub Champion (Czech Republic Doberman Club Champion) |
NDK-Ch: | Norsk Dobermann Klub Champion (Norway Dobermann Club Champion) |
Ned-Ch: | Nederlands Kampioen (Netherlands Champion) |
NL-Ch: | Nederlands Kampioen (Netherlands Champion) |
Nor-Ch: | Norwegian Champion |
Nord-Ch: | Nordic Champion (the dog awarded a conformation championship in three of the Nordic countries is awarded a Nordic conformation championship. The title is awarded in the country in which the dog’s third championship is achieved) |
NordW: | Nordic Winner |
NW: | Norwegian National Winner |
ÖDK-Ch: | Österreichischer Dobermann Klub Champion (Austrian Doberman Club Champion - to be awarded this title a dog must obtain four CACA's from three different judges and two CACIB certificates from international shows in a period greater than 366 days. Three certificates must be in utility class) |
ÖKV-Ch: | Austrian Winner |
Öst-Bdsg: | Österreichischer Bundessieger (Austrian Bundessieger) |
Öst-Ch: | Österreichischer Champion (Austrian Champion) |
Öst-Sg: | Österreichischer Sieger (Austrian Sieger) |
OKNE: | ?????S ????F??O? ?????????? ??????S (Doberman Club of Greece) |
PKD-Ch: | Polski Klub Dobermana (Polish Dobermann Club - to be awarded this title a dog must obtain three CAC's from three from different judges and one CACIB certificate from an international show in a period greater than six months) |
PL-Ch: | Polish Champion (dog must win two CWCs at National shows plus one CWC at an International show; wins must be over greater than 6 month period) |
R: | Reserve (second best male or female dog) |
RCAC: | Réserve Certificat d'Aptitude au Championnat de Beauté (national grading and awarded to the second best dog which is given the qualification "Excellent") |
RCACIB: | Réserve Certificat d'Aptitude au Championnat International de Beauté (international certificate awarded to the second best dog which is given the qualification "Excellent") |
RKD: | ?????????? ???????? ???? (Russian Doberman Club) |
SDK-Ch: | Svenska Dobermannklubben Champion (Swedish Dobermann Club Champion) |
SDY-Ch: | Suomen Dobermannyhdistys Champion (Finland Dobermann Club Champion) |
Sieger: | Title given to the best male at a Sieger Show. In order to be awarded this title the dog is required to have a SchH, IPO or VPG title. |
Siegerin: | Title given to the best female at a Sieger Show. In order to be awarded this title the dog is required to have a SchH, IPO or VPG title. |
SK-Ch: | Slovakian Champion |
SLO-Ch: | Slovakian Champion |
Spa-Ch: | Spanish Champion |
SW: | Swedish National Winner |
Swe-Ch: | Svenska Champion (Swedish Champion - the title will be awarded to a dog which wins a CAC certificate and which has already been awarded a national champion title in another country or, alternatively, meets the criteria which entitle it to a champion title. In addition to this, Dobermanns require qualifications from working test) |
Swiss-Ch: | Swiss Champion (to be awarded this title a dog must obtain three Swiss CAC's under two different judges in a period greater than 366 days between the first and the third CAC, two of these CAC's need to be received at an International Show. The dog must have an IPO or VPG title) |
SUCH: | Svenska Champion (Swedish Champion) |
UK-Ch: | United Kingdom Champion |
Ukr-Ch: | Ukrainian Champion |
VDH: | Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen (German National Kennel Club - the official body that governs all dog breeds in Germany and controls all the rules and regulations) |
VDH-Ch: | Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen Champion (German All-Breed Kennel Club Champion - to be awarded this title a dog must obtain three CACIB's and two CAC's under three different judges in a period greater than 12 months) |
VDH-Sg: | Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen Sieger (German All-Breed Kennel Club Sieger - to be awarded this title a dog must obtain four CACIB's under four different judges) |
WDC-Ch: | Welsh Dobermann Club Champion |
Welt-Sg: | Weltsieger (F.C.I. World Winner - winner of highest honours, beating all other entries at a World-wide all-breed conformation show provided that they have received the qualification "1st Excellent") |
WW: | F.C.I. World Winner (same as "FCI-Weltsieger" or "Welt-Sg") |
Yug-Ch: | Yugoslavian Champion |