“only in the spirit of love, sacrifice and great cost will we bring our breed to a state of genetic excellence”
Philipp GrünigPhilipp Grünig
“Judge, scientific breeder and profound student of the Dobermann”

Biene von der Doberwache

Biene von der DoberwachePhoto GalleryPhoto Gallery
DZB: 110160
DOB: 23-05-1995
Gender: Female
Colour: Black
HD: A-1
Rating: SG
Titles: IPO 2
Körung: Passed in Sweden


Biene von der Doberwache passed the Swedish Körung and was CAC at a Swedish Dobermann special Show. Her dam, Kleo von der Weyermühle, was a German Police dog who also won the working IDC World Championship in 1996 and her sire, Gero von der Mooreiche, was runner-up at the D.V. Meisterschaft in 1992 and 1996.

Biene lived to 10 years of age and died from an accident while her sire lived to 12 years of age to and her dam lived to almost 13 years of age.

Biene and her littermates below came from a genetically strong combination, especially for working character:

  • Bingo: Police protection, drug and explosives search dog.
  • Bastian: Police protection, drug and explosives search dog.
  • Bronco: SchH 3, FH 2, Westfalen FH Tracking Champion and DV-DM participant. He is sire of the vom Blitzkrieger “F, H” litters (Faroh, Hagan, Hakim); Briska's “S, T, X” litters (Senta, Sumo, Tessie); Torres “A” litter (Argos); and Ascomannis “G, H, J” litters (Gina, Gitano).
  • Brista: SchH 3, FH and passed the Körung with highest rating for hardness and working drives. She is dam of the von der Burgstätte “A, B, C” litters (Aaron, Asco, Addy, Arno, Baghira, Brechi, Calle, Carla).
  • Branca: SchH 3 and passed the Körung with highest rating for hardness and working drives. She is dam of the von der Drachenburg “A” litter (Aissil, Amica).
  • Bonny: SchH 2 and passed the ZTP with 1A rating for character and G for conformation. She is dam of the von der Weyermühle “T” litter (Tyra).
  • Chico: sire of the von der Burgstätte “E, F, G” litters (Ernst, Esta, Gilla); vom Ferrenberg “H” litter (Heartbreaker) and vom Burgwald “P, Q” litters.

Biene was a brood female for the Briska's Kennel in Sweden and below are her most influential litters and offspring:

  • Briska's “Q” litter with Pacco von der Weyermühle:
    • Qampus: sire of Black Palma's “A” litter (Ali => IDC-Weltmeister in 2006).
  • Briska's “W” litter with Erik vom Strundertal:
    • Winnie: IPO3, FPr2, MH and IDC-WM participant in 2009. She is dam of Briska's “A, D, Z” litters (Arcon, Zarek, Zarina).
    • Wilma: IPO 3 and IDC-WM participant in 2006.
Gero von der Mooreiche
DZB: 101987
HD: A-1
SchH 3, IPO 3, FH, ZTP SG 1A
Angekört 2A (ZVA), DV-Vice-Lstsg
Asko von der Weyermühle
DZB: 93732
HD: A-1
SchH 3, IPO 3, ZTP SG 1A
Bingo von Ellendonk
DZB: 86210, SchH 3, FH, DV-Lstsg
Cona von Niederkassel
DZB: 88722, SchH 3
Cora von der Mooreiche
DZB: 98838
HD: A-1
SchH 3, IPO 3, FH, Angekört 2A (ZVA)
Ali von Langenhorst
DZB: 89464, SchH 3, FH, Ang. 1A ZVA
Brista vom Reuschenberg
DZB: 93895, SchH 3, IPO 3, FH
Kleo von der Weyermühle
DZB: 103628
HD: A-1
SchH 3, IPO 3, FH 2, ZTP SG 1A
IDC-Weltmeister in 1996
Amor von der Weyermühle
DZB: 93733
HD: A-1
SchH 3, IPO 3, FH, ZTP SG 1A
Bingo von Ellendonk
DZB: 86210, SchH 3, FH, DV-Lstsg
Cona von Niederkassel
DZB: 88722, SchH 3
Gina von der Weyermühle
DZB: 100302
HD: A-1
SchH 3, IPO 3, FH, ZTP SG 1A
Boris von der Weyermühle
DZB: 96350, SchH 3, FH, Ang. 2A ZVA
Anouk von der Weyermühle
DZB: 93736, SchH 3, FH, Angekört 2B